I decided to take a gap year, really, for a number of reasons. The simple answer would be that for some odd reason, I had an undying desire to hike 2,173 miles, to be uncomfortably cold from sleeping in below-freezing temperatures, to sweat in disgusting heat, to get eaten by mosquitoes, to carry 40 lbs on my back, to go days without showering, and to shit in the woods. I wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail - a long distance trail that runs from Georgia to Maine. Five million steps. 

Preparing some yums
Fresh from the farm: Zucchini! And lot's of it! I got a tip off from my neighbor the other day of a chocolate chip zucchini bread recipe that I tried out at once and it was simply AMAZING. I not-so-politely insist that you try it. It's that good.

Breaking news! Orcs spotted yesterday in Sudbury. Orcs (human-like creatures, generally described as fierce and combative, with grotesque features and often black, grey, or greenish skin - wikipedia.org) have not been spotted since the time of Middle Earth. Investigators are simply flummoxed by their unexpected and unexplained appearance, and are reminding the public to stay alert. "Hide your kids, hide your wife!" was the urgent message sent from the state police department yesterday to all homes in the area, reminding everyone of the dangerous nature of Orcs. Streaming live updates will be sent to the public on this urgent matter.

Update on Orcs:
State police made a public announcement this morning that what were thought to be Orcs, were none other than farmers. A sheepish chief state trooper explained that "It was an honest mistake, and nothing is more important to us than the safety of our fellow citizens." While Orcs and Farmers do have similar characteristics in hygiene standards, it turns out that little else is in common. Organic farmers are a rare breed of human-like creatures, and are generally described as somewhat crazy, with sunburnt features and often dirty skin. Their natural habitat is farmland, and they can often be found wearing jeans, muck boots, t-shirts, and straw hats. As it turns out, the day they were spotted and mistaken for Orcs they were picking tomatoes, which is the crop responsible for turning their hands black and green - the trademark feature of Orcs. 

Dragons. How old does the average dragon live for? Can they die from old age, or just from being slain?

early-o'clock time

Hey everyone, so I'm just going to lay some groundwork down (see what I did there? hint: it's funny because farming) just so for my future posts there's some context. I apologize in advance for possible boredom and its various side effects including, but not limited to drooling, drowsiness, glassy eyes etc.